Commercial Infrastructure

Transformers have been and remain an essential part of our electrical infrastructure. Everywhere we look there is a transformer supplying power to commercial or residential applications.  With growing urban infrastructure comes a greater demand for efficient, dependable power. Customers expect greater performance and longer life expectancies to power integrated power systems and telecommunications.

HPS concentrates on providing customers with quality power as aging structures are updated to meet commercial and institutional requirements.  HPS offers a broad range of energy efficient distribution transformers commonly used in commercial applications that meet DOE2016 & NRCan 2019 efficiencies.


HPS Products in a Mixed Use Commercial Building

Solar Duty Transformer Centurion P Passive Harmonic filter Low Voltage Transformers for Commercial Projects HPS Fortress EV transformers MV transformers for commercial applications

HPS Products for Commercial Infrastructure

Distribution Transformers for Commercial & Residential Applications

Medium Voltage Distribution Transformer for commercial applications

HPS Medium Voltage Distribution Transformers

HPS medium voltage dry-type and cast-resin transformers provide safe electrical power with proven reliability for new or retrofitted commercial buildings. Dry-type transformers are non-combustible and offer simplified maintenance.

HPS Solar transformers for commercial and mixed-use buildings

HPS Solar Duty Transformers

For rooftop solar installations HPS Solar Duty and three phase autotransformers provide critical linkages between solar inverters and the grid. Solar Duty transformers are rated to support bi-directional flow with critical nameplate information assuring proper installation.

Low Voltage transformers for commercial applications

Low Voltage Distribution Transformers

HPS Distribution Transformers offer a number of options, including K-Rated, harmonic mitigating and general-purpose transformers. Factory installed IR windows provide critical preventative maintenance. HPS Sentinel Distribution Transformers also offer many options to power E.V. charging arrays.

Power Quality Products for Commercial & Residential Applications

HPS Centurion P Passive Harmonic Filter for commercial buildings and HVAC

HPS Passive Harmonic Filters

HPS passive harmonic filters are specifically engineered to mitigate harmonic currents created by non-linear loads to improve the reliability and extend the life of your HVAC and other electrical equipment.

Other HPS Products for Commercial Applications

HPS Fusion Enclosed Control Transformers for commercial applications

HPS General Purpose Enclosed Control Transformers

HPS transformers are a cost effective approach for single phase, general purpose industrial and light duty loads. Designed specifically for applications such as: general purpose enclosed applications used to adjust a supply voltage to match a load requirement, electric vehicle charging, signal and alarm systems, and HVAC applications.

Low Voltage Lighting Transformers for commercial applications

Low Voltage Lighting Transformers

HPS Lighting Transformers are a cost effective approach to supply low voltage for recreational, commercial, lighting, light duty industrial and pool and spa applications.