kVA Calculator

To find the amperage or kVA for your application enter all but one field and the HPS kVA Calculator will calculate the missing value.
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Enter Values below:
Table values given in amps:

Single Phase:

Line Voltage (V)
kVA 120 240 480 600 2400 4160
3 25 12.5 6.25 5 1.25 0.72
5 41.7 20.8 10.4 8.33 2.08 1.2
7.5 62.5 31.3 15.6 12.5 3.13 1.8
10 83.3 41.7 20.8 16.7 4.17 2.4
15 125 62.5 31.3 25 6.25 3.61
25 208 104 52.1 41.7 10.4 6.01
37.5 313 156 78.1 62.5 15.6 9.01
50 417 208 104 83.3 20.8 12
75 625 313 156 125 31.3 18
100 833 417 208 167 41.7 24
150 1250 625 313 250 62.5 36.1
200 1667 833 417 333 83.3 48.1
250 2083 1042 521 417 104 60.1
333 2775 1388 694 555 139 80

Three Phase:

Line Voltage (V)
kVA 208 240 480 600 2400 4160
6 16.7 14.4 7.22 5.77 1.44 0.83
10 27.8 24.1 12 9.62 2.41 1.39
15 41.6 36.1 18 14.4 3.61 2.08
30 83.3 72.2 36.1 28.9 7.22 4.16
45 125 108 54.1 43.3 10.8 6.25
50 139 120 60.1 48.1 12 6.94
75 208 180 90.2 72.2 18 10.4
112.5 312 271 135 108 27.1 15.6
150 416 361 180 144 36.1 20.8
225 625 541 271 217 54.1 31.2
300 833 722 361 289 72.2 41.6
450 1249 1083 541 433 108 62.5
500 1388 1203 601 481 120 69.4
600 1665 1443 722 577 144 83.3
750 2082 1804 902 722 180 104
1000 2776 2406 1203 962 241 139
1500 4164 3608 1804 1443 361 208
2000 5552 4811 2406 1925 481 278

HPS makes no representations as to the accuracy of the information used by the Calculator. HPS assumes no responsibility for the results generated by the kVA Calculator (the “Calculator”) or for any errors or omissions in connection with the use of (or the results generated by) the calculator and under no circumstances shall HPS be held liable for any damages in connection with the use of (or the results generated by) the calculator. Furthermore, use of the Calculator in connection with an HPS product does not constitute a statement, representation, or claim as to the benefits for the protection, restoration or mitigation of environmental or ecological causes or effects of climate change associated with or deriving from the use of any of HPS’s products and HPS makes no such statement representations or claims.