HPS Millennium™ C medium voltage transformers are regarded for their high level of quality and service reliability that has become synonymous with HPS transformer products.
With three phase ratings up to 34 MVA, 46 kV Class, 250 kV BIL and single phase to 5 MVA, we feature the newest technology and manufacturing processes.
These units can be offered for a variety of environmental conditions and are built to meet the most onerous duty requirements. In addition to conventional indoor applications, our dry units can be located outdoors, on drilling platforms, in network vaults and in every location where airborne contaminants pose a risk to electrical equipment.
Typical Applications include:
- Power Distribution Stations
- Utility Power Generation
- Offshore Drilling Platforms
- Commercial Buildings
- Industrial Processes
- Renewable Energy
- Where applicable, meets North American Energy Efficiency Standards: U.S. - DOE 10 CFR Part 431 (DOE 2016); Canada - SOR/2018-201, (NRCan 2019) & ON Reg. 404/12; Mexico - NMX-J-351-ANCE-2021
- kVA rating: 500 kVA-34 MVA
- Frequency: 60 [50] [other] Hertz
- up to 46kV class
- up to 250kV BIL
- Type 1, 2, 3/3R, 4/4X or 12 available. Type 3RE Plus enclosures available for improved outdoor performance.
- Custom sizes, ratings and styles available upon request
- UL Listed, CSA Certified
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