HPS Energy Savings Calculator Now Available
Posted: May 30,2011
General News Canada Products USA
Guelph, ON – Hammond Power Solutions (HPS) has unveiled a new, Internet based Energy Savings calculator tool that consumers can use to evaluate a transformers energy savings for both present operations and for the evaluation of prospective, future purchases.
In today’s growing energy efficient market, it is more important than ever to calculate the energy savings of a product. The benefits of using the HPS Energy Savings Calculator can save a business considerable money in their yearly energy outlay. The Energy Savings calculator tool calculates the energy consumption (kWh), energy costs, and energy dollar savings using HPS Energy Efficient Distribution Transformers within a selected application profile.
Users are able to select from one of the existing application profiles that best represents their specific project or they can enter their own values in the custom field. They are then able to select the number of transformers required in their project as well as the energy costs per kWh. The results from the data selected compares the energy consumption, energy costs and energy dollar savings using Non-DOE/C802.2 compliant transformers, DOE (TP1)/C802.2 compliant transformers, and NEMA Premium Transformers. With the convenient email option, users are able to email the results for future reference.
To use the HPS Energy Savings Calculator, simply go to the HPS Tool Box Site www.hpstoolbox.com, and choose the Energy Savings Calculator link. The HPS Tool Box has other useful tools to assist in the selection of a transformer such as a Buck-Boost Selector tool as well as a Current Calculator tool.