What is Seismic Certified?
A fair amount of construction projects require components to be “Seismic Certified.” A Seismic Certification ensures the component will withstand and operate after an event such as an earthquake. In addition to requiring structural components to meet specific seismic regulations, most jurisdictions also require non-structural components – including electrical systems – to be “Seismic Certified.”
Seismic requirements are defined by the International Building Code 2018 and the California Building Code (2019). ASCE 7-16 is the base standard for many building codes, and is referenced by both IBC and the CBC.OSHPD, the Office of State-wide Health Planning and Development, requires actual “shake-testing” of products prior to allowing products to be specified for construction or retrofit projects anywhere in the state of California. This testing must be reviewed by a California state certified structural engineer. Without a widespread nationwide approval process, many other jurisdictions require the OSHPD Special Seismic Certification Preapproval (OSP) for projects.